How Do Wrinkles Form?


Wrinkles are a fact of life and a natural part of the aging process. Sooner or later, each of us will get them, along with laugh lines, crow’s feet, and other fine lines. But age isn’t the only thing that causes wrinkles to form. The more you know about the other contributing factors (and the skincare services available at Revive Aesthetics, including lip injections and Cedar Rapids Botox), the better equipped you’ll be to keep your skin looking youthful for longer.

Understanding Your Skin
What you think of as “skin” is a bit more like a seat cushion than a single piece of fabric. There’s the outer layer, called the epidermis, which is the part we all see. The bottom-most part is a layer of subcutaneous fat. Sandwiched between the layers is the second layer, the dermis, made up of blood vessels, collagen, and elastin. This second layer plays a big part in how well your skin ages, and you may be causing skin damage without even realizing it.
How Wrinkles Form
As we age, our skin thins and begins to dry out. At the same time, the collagen and elastin in the dermis begin to break down. So we’re losing skin tone, and we’re also losing the supporting structure that helps skin “bounce back.” To extend our cushion analogy, the stuffing isn’t what it used to be, and we’re prone to wrinkles as a result.
How to Fight Wrinkles
Wrinkles are inevitable, but premature skin aging doesn’t have to be. We can’t reverse genetics, but understanding other things that cause your skin to wrinkle means that you can take steps to slow the process.
• The UV light from sun exposure breaks down collagen and elastin; if you’re going out, use sunscreen and cover-up
• Alcohol and smoking interfere with blood flow to the dermis; quit smoking and drink in moderation
• Dehydration is bad for your whole body, your skin included; drink lots of water, and moisturize your skin
Erasing Wrinkles
Even if you’re diligent about skincare, you’ll still end up with signs of aging. So the question then becomes, “Now what?” Revive Aesthetics offers numerous options, among them:
• Botox relaxes muscles, easing forehead lines, crow’s feet, and other fine lines
• Other skincare injectables like Dysport® and Jeuveau® give your dermis a much-needed boost and help to plump your skin
• VI Peel chemical peels that tighten skin, improve tone, and smooth skin texture
• Other skincare options, from platelet-rich plasma to Celluma light therapy, give your body the tools to form new collagen
Each of these choices has several other benefits besides addressing wrinkles; equally worth noting, not every treatment will be right for every individual. For that reason, we always suggest beginning with a consultation.
Skin Care in Cedar Falls and Cedar Rapids
Each person’s skin is unique, and each of us also has a different definition of what it means to age gracefully. So call Revive Aesthetics to discuss your needs and set up a free consultation. We’ll be happy to match you to a skincare regimen that makes you look, and feel, wonderful!


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